Those days are gone when one always had to carry a stack of visiting cards along with them. Now, it is possible to share information with just a tap. Don’t you believe it? Try Niha NFC Business Card!
These cards are equipped with NFC (Near Field Communication), making sharing information easy and convenient. With just a blink of an eye, you can share whatever you want, from your mobile number to email and product portfolio.
However, it seems you still use traditional paper cards that 88% of customers throw away within the first week, which pollutes the environment and costs you a lot of money. Let’s save the environment and money and revolutionize networking by opting for digital business cards today!
5 Reasons for Investing in Digital Business Cards
Why should you invest in digital business cards? Because they are eco-friendly, affordable, convenient, impressive and whatnot. Here are the top five reasons why professionals like you should invest in NFC business cards:
They are Eco-Friendly
Approximately 150 trees are cut to make 10,000 reams of business cards. And there is no need to emphasize the importance of trees amid the rising issue of climate change. Every professional should consider shifting to smart business cards to stop deforestation and give our coming generation an environment they can comfortably live in.
Not only do traditional business cards encourage deforestation, but they also pollute the environment as only 12% of cards are kept by people; you know what is done to the rest of the cards. So, why not save the environment, ditch paper, and save money by embracing digital
Let’s take the first step towards creating a healthy environment by ordering a smart business card today!
They are Affordable
With one 24-carat Custom Gold Card, you can share your phone number, business email, product portfolio, website, company address and whatnot with thousands of potential customers. If you go the conventional way, the same will cost you in lakhs. Let’s understand how:
(Imagine you distribute 1 lakh visiting cards annually, and one card costs you 1.60 INR. The cost of producing one lakh cards would be 1.6 lakh.)
So, would you spend lakhs knowing that all those cards would be discarded or a few hundred bucks to impress your potential clients and win more business? The choice is yours!
They are Convenient
Smart business cards are convenient for both the recipient as well as the business owner. How? The business owner does not have to carry a stack of visiting cards to ensure they don’t run out of cards when most needed. With just one card, they can share information with a large number of individuals.
But you might be wondering what convenience these cards offer to the recipients. The recipients don’t need to manually type the information (mobile, email, etc.) on their phones; they can copy it with one click and save it to their phones. Later, when they need it, they can retrieve the information within seconds. Isn’t that amazing? We know, it is!
They are Impressive
Imagine someone tapping on your phone and their profile opens up in your smartphone, and then you copy their mobile number, business email, business address, or just the link for future reference. That may feel futuristic, but it is not; it is a thing of 2024.
That cool person can be you! Become one by ordering a smart business card with NFC functionality. As mentioned above, this spectacular technology will cost you only ₹1199 from Niha. Order now! (Secret: Use code NIHA10 on checkout to get a 10% Discount)
They are Updatable
No one knows the importance of keeping business cards up-to-date better than entrepreneurs. You must ensure that the contact details and everything mentioned on the card are accurate and working. And that’s where the actual problem starts with traditional business cards.
Imagine you are a real estate agent and change your mobile number for any reason (either you don’t like the digits or plan to keep only one primary number). Would you be able to change the number on a traditional business card? No. But it is possible with digital business cards! It takes only a few minutes to change the crucial contact details on an NFC business card.
On the Final Note
Traditional visiting cards are history; modern entrepreneurs use digital business cards equipped with NFC technology. These cards allow them to share their business details with just a tap within seconds, and they can update them anywhere, anytime. However, if you have not started using them yet, no worries; order your NFC business card and be a part of this networking revolution. If you have any questions or queries about our innovative products, contact our sales team now; our team would be happy to help!